Friday, April 6, 2012

Sox Lose Opener

Don't think I'm going to post about all 144 games, but I did see much of last night's loss in Reno.  The third inning was the Sox downfall.  Between Stu brining the infield in with a runner at third up 1-0, a botched rundown and a groudball Wood couldn't pick up and a few line drives, it didn't go well.  It's tough to overcome big innings on the road and the Sox couldn't last night, losing 5-2.   The great thing about baseball though, is, you get to play the next day.  The Sox send Mosoco to the mound tonight against the Aces.

One other note about last nights game: I didn't see any Sox from 2011 in the box score.  Maybe I'm missing one, but it looks like a complete roster overhaul.

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